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Sieg X3 Clone comparison chart

Filed under: Metalworking,Random and Pleasing — jet @ 18:53

I’m trying to decide between a Rong Fu RF-45 clone and a Sieg X3. I’m leaning towards a Industrial Hobbies clone, but I thought I’d make up a comparison chart for the Sieg clones for comparison’s sake:
Sieg X3 Clones Comparison Chart in Excel .xls format
Sieg X3 Clones Comparison Chart in CSV

Let me know if you have any corrections/updates.

[tags]metalwork,mill drill,Sieg X3[/tags]

Rong Fu RF-45 Clone Comparison Chart Update

Filed under: Metalworking,Random and Pleasing — jet @ 13:05

Over on the Yahoo mill_dill group I found an outdated spreadsheet comparing features of the Rong Fu RF-45 square column mill/drill and its various clones.

I’ve been thinking about getting one of these for awhile now for my next art project, so I decided to update the chart. You can find it over on the Yahoo group or download it here:

RF-45 Comparison Chart in Excel .xls format
RF-45 Comparison Chart in CSV

Let me know if you have any corrections/updates.

[tags]metalwork,mill drill,RF-45[/tags]

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