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Attention PA Amateur Radio Operators

Filed under: Amateur Radio,Pittsburgh,Politics — jet @ 12:51

I don’t follow PA state politics closely to understand why this is a partisan issue, but the claim is that Democrats in the house are trying to kill a bill that reflects current federal law regarding antenna regulation by sending it off to a subcommittee.

This from the Atlantic Division Director, Bill Edgar, N3LLR:

Please see the attached document from Joe, N3TTE. They’re sample letters to be sent to your local rep as well as Rep Dwight Evans, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. After speaking to my local representative his office suggested that all interested parties contact Representative Evans urging him to bring the bill out of Committee and up to the house for a full vote. AB3ER also called Rep. Evans office and the staffer there commented that the Appropriations Committed was being “used” to kill the bill. We need to look like an 800Lb Gorilla who votes coming at these representatives to keep the special interest (PA State Association of Township Supervisors) from killing this legislation.

The full email, along with sample letters is here. Take a minute and write/fax/call your local Representative and ask that this bill be brought out of committee.

[tags]amateur radio, antenna, pennsylvania[/tags]


Which Arduinio is Right for You? (alpha)

Filed under: Arduino,Hacking — jet @ 18:13

Ok, first cut at a spreadsheet comparing Arduino types. I still need to add the LEDuino and probably some new columns, so consider this an alpha at best.

CSV, PDF, and Excel(-ish) formats.



preview — which Arduino is right for you?

Filed under: Arduino — jet @ 05:53

As part of figuring out which Arduino to use, I’m making a chart of the various characteristics of Arduino boards.

So far I have the obvious — # I/O pins, form factor, required power, etc. Anything in particular that you (collective) would find useful in such a chart that I might not think of? For example, do you care about weight? Physical dimensions without pins?

Let me know in email or in comments.

[tags]Arduino, survey[/tags]


Tech Note: Apple OS X 10.5 and HP Business Inkjet 1200

Filed under: Hacking — jet @ 10:41

I’ve had a HP Business Inkjet 1200n for 4-5 years now and it’s been a great printer. For only $250 I got duplex, ethernet, color and dual trays.

Apple’s OSX, however has not played well with it. Starting with 10.4, there’s been a low-level problem in CUPS (the free software Apple uses for printing and has since “bought”) on OSX/Intel that I’ve never been able to diagnose and Apple hasn’t cared to fix it either. So, to print from our MacBooks we’ve had to use a G5 as a print server. Not the end of the world, but annoying.

I finally upgraded everything to 10.5. and whammo, I can no longer print from the G5. After a few hours of mucking around, I discovered what you could either call the “right way” or a “workaround”. It’s certainly not something you’d think to try, but it works for me:

  1. Go into Printer and Fax preferences and delete any existing HP printer using the “-” button.
  2. Start adding a printer using the “+” button.
  3. Pick “More Printers” and wait for it to grind.
  4. Pick “HP IP Printing” from the scoll bar.
  5. Pick “Manual”
  6. Enter the printer’s IP address and click “Add”.

That should bring up a dialog correctly identifying your HP printer.

[tags]HP Business Inkjet 1200, OSX, printer[/tags]

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