Mattel PowerGlove Hacking Resources
Hey kids, remember what life was like before the web? Remember when VR was the future of computing?
Experience life before the InterWeb bubble! See geeks reverse engineer $200 toys because they can’t afford $20,000 peripherals! Thrill to 68HC11 assembly, state-of-the-art 386 coding, and Amiga parallel port interfaces!
In other words, I found my PowerGlove list backups.
[tags]Virtual Reality,Nintendo,PowerGlove,hacking[/tags]
hey, would you like to make money fast by selling v*i*a*g*a8ra to the widow of Mobutu Sese Seko?
(Congrats on the new blog)
Comment by Ookino Seitoshi — 2006/02/22 @ 02:14